Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From TFS to SVN


My project at work added some remote developers and it was decided that rather than try to figure out TFS, which we use for everything internally, we'd use SVN. I'm not used to SVN since we used Team Foundation Server for source control and Visual SourceSafe before that - I've used TortoiseSVN quite a bit to get source code from projects online, but never as a primary source control environment for a big project.

So far it's a breeze. I installed VisualSVN Server and configured repositories and users - this took about 10 minutes.  After that I was up and running with TortoiseSVN in about 3 or 4 minutes.


Because in a parallel universe a completely different project I'm working on required me to install the TFS client for Visual Studio 2008.  On my super duper 4GB Ram, 3 Ghz, desktop machine at work it took about 45 minutes.

Just the client.

So yeah, I've been thinking about that contrast quite a bit all day.  One thing I think is interesting is the contrast between small teams as I heard discussed at CodeMash earlier this year and the features of TFS: all the note taking, task assignment, iteration,  etc, etc... On a "one to two pizza" team (e.g. a Google, Amazon), how many people go in depth with those features versus some massive team of developers (e.g. a government agency)?


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